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Some suggestions !

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:41 am
by Cippy
Hello !
Firstly, let me introduce myself, I am Cippy, romanian, 22 years old. I've been playing MU for many years, but at the moment I'm here after a "vacation" of 3 years. I used to be GM on two important servers, so I'll be glad to help you with some suggestions to improve the server's quality and get a lot of players here. I recognize, I logged in only once, in the game I mean (at the moment I'm writing this), but everytime I'll find something that needs an improvement I will update this post, so you can see. My suggestions, of course, are optional, its your decision if you agree or not.
So, at the first appearance, I will write here the suggs:
1) The server needs an webshop as fast as possible, there will be many players that wanna buy items for their characters, and with this, you have to get in here a donate system, where people may donate for better items (like FO, accient etc.). This system will also help the budget of our server and will help it to grow up. There are many players (like me for example, donators), that wanna buy their items instead of working in-game.
2) In my opinion, another "must be" is the Castle Siege event. This is the most important event in muonline, where the alliances fight for supremacy. The event will create competition betwen the players, and trust me, many players love this event, and if the server will look ok, they wont hesitate to come here because they are bored or embarrased playing on their old servers.
3) An in-game suggestion is that you can try to fix the /post option. We have to wait 30 seconds (I think) betwen posts, and thats embarrasing.
4) GMs can make events with items, jewels etc. That will help players to grow up and also brings new players.

I've been playing only 10-15 minutes, so I dont have many suggestions at the moment, but as I promised, I will update this post with new suggestions.

And the biggest suggestion goes to the players this time, not to admins, GMs etc. Guys, bring your friends here, lets make this one the biggest muonline community. I know that mu is and old game and many of old muonline players left, maybe for games like wow, lol etc., but lets bring them back here and let the party start !

Good luck with the server and long live to EuropeanMU !

Yours sincerely,

Re: Some suggestions !

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:11 am
by GM-John
Hi and thanks for your input.

-The webshop will come, but we didn't want to launch with it for balance reasons. We already have some ways to keep the server alive(buying VIP).
-Your second suggestion was about Castle Siege. Castle Siege is working but we need more players (at least 50) to start it. The reason behind this is that if we let one Guild win CS early in the life of the server, they will get a major power and future guilds might not get the same chance.
-As for in game GM events we surely would like to help you but at the moment we don't wanna change your game experience (making it too easy by giving items), also the in game economy would be broken if we infatuate the market with free Items/Jewels.

P.S. All features for our site might take a little longer to develop but we must be sure your experience while using it is the best.

Re: Some suggestions !

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:30 am
by Zamfi
Hello Cippy!

Glad to have you back here from your vacation with all your ideas. First of all, be sure we will always analyse any suggestion as it's in our benefit, but of course, only after all the team will make a debate about what's good to implement and not we reach to a final end.

Answering your questions, we have:

1) Webshop it's already in development, but being a very delicate functionality where many exploits can be done as part of the website, we try to make it secure as we possible can. As you may notice, the website it's build from scratch and have nothing to do with any web script found around web. For next months will be in a continuously upgrade. Also, about the donate system, yes we agree with it as there are lots of costs that we need to sustain from our budget at this moment, but we don't want also to unbalance the game for people that didn't make any donations and just offer faster way to all sorts of things and nice benefits with a limitation. We all know how hard it is to self made all your items and nobody will feel well if a new player will be more powerful in few days because he donate, against an old player that lost many days making his items. Here it's a two way knife that needs to be properly done from the start.

2) Castle Siege it's functional and in 2-3 days will be announced and all the guide will be made for it.

3) I don't disagree with you but my explication for this is that we think the /post it's a help functionality and not a spam one. Players can ask questions when they have and very fast conversations can be discussed in private. Me and the team have played on some servers where lot of bad language happened on /post messages and at a very fast rate. We think this will strongly discourage to have a fight directly in chat. We may change it in time if we see it's not good what we initially thought.

4) Here we'll try to do things a bit different. On the 10 minutes tour guide, you will see all the events and benefits we currently have. Are also few in development and will be added soon. We want to reduce the interactions admin-players for events by making many custom events directly from server and make this admin interactions only for solving game issues and helping with any questions. This way won't be any questions and reduce also admin abuse that can be made. Of course again, this is our opinion at this moment and that can change in time.

Thanks a lot for your sustaining and have a nice game!

Re: Some suggestions !

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:57 am
by Void
On the webshop thingy, it'd be good if you can only buy things actually obtainable ingame (not F.O. items, have exc. items with 2 opts max like ingame), otherwise there will be no point in collecting items and pretty much the only way to have the best gear will be to pay which will make lots of players quit imo.

Re: Some suggestions !

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:19 pm
by Zamfi
Absolutely, webshop will have items that can be found in game also.